Contextual Challenge (the problem that needs solving)
Bored of knocking on a door? Try the new door-o-matic 2000! Push the button to alert the occupant of a visitor. Perhaps your hands are full and it is easier to press the button than knock? Sore throat and cannot make much noise? We've got you covered!
The below table helps us to prioritise the requirements for our door buzzer, this table is known as a SPECIFICATION.
Specification (the list of criteria that needs completing to solve the problem)
Must |
Should |
Could |
lightweight to hang on a door | LED so you know you have pushed the button | be personalised with your name or a design on the front |
method of attaching to the door handle | easy to change the batteries | |
loud enough to hear | the middle section is well folded | |
easy to use | the LED and switch should fit neatly into the case | |
Be safe to handle - no sharp edges | exciting colours | |