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An Introduction to Mechanisms
1 Making your automata - 2D Design
Learn It
To make your own automata using 2D Design there are a number of skills that you need to be able to do.
Learn It - Drawing boundary boxes
- On the side bar, click and hold one line tool and select the third option ‘given angle and length’.
- Type in the numbers you need. For example – 106mm by 0 degrees and 25mm by 90 degrees.
- Below is a video to help.
Learn It - Find suitable images online
- Go to the website , type in what you want an image of.
- Click on images – tools – black and white – clipart or line drawing
- Find a good image – remember the laser cutter only works in one colour so keep the images simple.
- Right click - Copy and paste into 2D design.
- Please note - not all images will work. Just keep trying until you get one that works.
- You can also click on this link to go back to similar instructions from the Storage Box project.
- Below is a video to help.
Learn It - Scale
- By clicking shift and then dragging a corner of the image you will maintain the images overall proportions i.e. it won’t be squashed or stretched.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Vectorise the image
- At the top, go to Bitmaps > Vectorise Bitmap. Monochrome. OK. OK.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Contour
- On the side toolbar, click on the Contour tool > spacing 1.00mm. Select red colour. Click on the outside of the image.
- Then move the contour layer away from the original image by dragging with the mouse.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Holes for cutting
- On the side toolbar click on the circle tool – select the second option with an ‘R’. Change to 1.5mm.
- Click where you want the hole to be.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Measuring using the dimension tool
- On the side toolbar, click on the dim lines tool. You need to draw a horizontal or vertical line, or both, on the object you want measuring. If you select the object and the dim lines, hold shift, you can resize objects with some accuracy.
- Please note: You will need to delete these lines when you have finished drawing otherwise they will be included in the cut.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Adding Text
- From the side toolbar select the text tool. Click where you want to add text.
- Type your message then go to Settings to change the font size and type.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - Email to the lasercutter
- Firstly make sure your file is saved with a suitable name. Then go to Outlook – should be a link on the bottom toolbar in Windows – big O. Click on new. Type the address lasercutter and then check names. Attach the file and send it.
- Below is a video to help
Learn It - A worked example
- Here is a worked example from start to finish. Please note: the sound and images are sometimes not in sync.
<old video>
Please watch this video. It will explain how to use the laser cutter.
Badge It - Silver, Gold and Platinum
- For silver add screenshots of your new parts.
- For gold add a cutting sheet
- For platinum, upload a photo of your finished automata.